Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Blog!

Hello everyone. This is my brand new blog about video games. More specifically, it`s about games I am currently playing.

Here you will find reviews of games, as well as guides and general thoughts on PC games and the PC gaming industry.

To start with, I very recently applied to become an affiliate for Eve Online. Now, I have to tell you all something. I haven't played Eve in a long time, as in years. However, I am very strongly considering returning. I was actually in the initial 50-person Alpha test back in the day (under my mother's name, as I was not 18 at the time) and I played sporadically on an account with my pilot Clarence Shandon.

I need an MMO to fill in that empty space other games just can't seem to fill. From what I remember, Eve is a very deep and complex game involving everything from piracy to an advanced player-driven economy off of which some people are able to make real money.

I always liked the pirate stuff myself (well, actually, I was usually on the other side of the pirates).

If you are on the fence about giving this game a try, you should just go ahead and do so. I do believe that they offer a free trial period. If you want to throw me a bone, you can even sign up through my link (click the banner ad).

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